John Francis Fletcher died at Norton, Kansas, March 28, 1938 at 5:15 p.m.
He was born Jan. 28, 1912 at Beloit to John D. and Mina Fletcher, and his age at his untimely death was 26 years and 2 months. His marriage to Rose Shaffer of Beloit took place July 10, 1936.
The widow and his mother, Mrs. Andy Rhoades, and a sister, Mrs. Fern Nolan of Lexington, Nebr., and a brother, Milton Broadbent of Beloit, survive.
Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Christian church with the pastor, Rev. A. R. Bemis, in charge. Burial was in Elmwood cemetery.
The Beloit (Kansas) Gazette, 31 March 1938